Configuring nsproxy

Nsproxy uses gcfg (INI-style config files for go structs).

	port				= 53
	loglevel			= "cluster"

	useclustermanager	= true
	port				= 8080
	pingfreq			= 4
	clientpingtype		= "port"
	connectiondrain		= 10

	ttl					= 60

	server				= ""

	host				= "localhost:6379"
	password			= ""

The config uses some pretty sane defaults but the following fields are configurable:

  • [server]
    • port: the port the main DNS server listens on.
    • loglevel: the verbosity of logs. acceptable fields are ‘info’, ‘cluster’, ‘debug’, and ‘error’.
  • [clustermanager]
    • useclustermanager: whether or not to use the cluster manager. acceptable fields are ‘true’ and ‘false’
    • port: the port that cluster manager will listen on (this is what port clients use to check in)
    • pingfeq: the ammout of time in between health checks (in seconds)
    • clientpingtype: the type of ping to be used. acceptable fields are ‘icmp’ and ‘port’. If port is set, client must send ‘port’ field in cluster registration.
    • connectiondrain: the time in seconds for the connection to drain. this is a grace period between a bad health check and actually removing the host from rotation. set to 0 if this is uneeded.
  • [dns]
    • ttl: the default time to live (in seconds) for dns entries
  • [upstreamdns]
    • server: the dns server and port that nsproxy uses if it cannot find a match in the local database
  • [redis]
    • host: this is the ip and port that the redis backend is running on
    • password: password to the redis database if one exists