Configuring beacon

Beacon uses gcfg (INI-style config files for go structs).

	port			= 8808
	tokensize		= 25
	tokendictionary 	= "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
	host			= "localhost:6379"
	password		= ""
	usetls			= true
	servercert		= deps/test.crt
	serverkey		= deps/test.key

The config uses some pretty sane defaults but the following fields are configurable:

  • [beacon]
    port: the port the API listens on.
    tokensize: the length of authorization string returned from the client
    tokendictionary: the allowed characters that make up the client authentication string

  • [redis]
    host: this is the ip and port that the redis backend is running on
    password: password to the redis database-

  • [ssl]
    usessl: boolean (takes true/false) weather or not to use ssl. Defaults to no
    servercert: relative path to ssl cert
    serverkey: relative path to ssl private key